MON, AUGUST 31, 2020 • S1 E26 • 14 MIN 2 SEC
My guest is Nelly Cuenca. She is the founder of a nonprofit organization catered towards single mothers raising their sons to their highest potential, and empowering mothers to be the best version of themselves. The name MaaPaa was coined by her son when he combined “Mama” and “Papa”. And I quote “If you’re a single mother like me, you play both roles when caring for your child; you are his mama and his papa.”
Neely Cuenca has also a Podcast mil mentes mil mundos when she talked about mental health in Spanish for the Latino community. Nelly came to this country with her parents to look for a better opportunity. She is pushing for literacy and better education, because for Nelly, education change her life.
Raise the Bar Smart Money
MON, AUGUST 31, 2020