THU, APRIL 29, 2021 • S1 E10 • 24 MIN 42 SEC
Mar Alvarado. Latina Community Leader, and Business Owner
My Guest is Mar Y Sol Alvarado. Yes indeed, it's Mar y Sol, a unique name for a unique Business Latina entrepreneur. Mar y Sol is a proud East Palo Altan, Latina community leader, and the owner of ALRO Window Coverings in Mountain View.
She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Menlo College and a Master’s Degree from San Jose State in Sociology. She also, has over ten years of executive management experience in the for-profit and non-for-profit sector and has built a reputable career in business management. Mar is passionate about creating a safe and pleasurable work environment for everyone in her business.
Overall a strong business development professional who is culturally skilled, passionate, and fiercely committed to women's empowerment, leadership, and equality.
Smart money intro
Traveler remix by Wildlight
Voice: Eva Hernandez
Podcast interview music background Bumbling by Pictures of Floating World
Raise the Bar Smart Money
THU, APRIL 29, 2021