THU, MARCH 18, 2021 • S1 E62 • 32 MIN 9 SEC
Ruth Young-Loaeza. NEET Sheets Inventor
"I want to help all of those that work so hard in the hospitality industry by decreasing 50% of the time they spend when making the beds and reducing the mattress lifting by 75%.
I know NEET Sheets is THE solution to these problems."
My guest is Ruth Young-Loaeza, the CEO & Founder of Genius On Development, the NEET Sheets Inventor, serial entrepreneur, visionary innovator, dreamer, international bestselling author, and more!!!
Young-Loaeza started her journey as an inventor during a period of homelessness after a car accident that left her unable to work. During that hardship, she began creating drawings, prototypes, and inventions and continued to so after recovering and working as a housekeeper for more than twenty years.
After creating a prototype that worked as expected, she decided to enter an invention competition and flew to New York with only $50 in her pocket, slept in her rental car. The following day she headed towards the invention event, where to her disbelief won 1st place.
Young-Loaeza was still cleaning houses when she received an invitation from the United States Patent and Trademark Office headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, to be featured as "visionary budding Inventor" on their official website, and not long after that milestone, they invited her back as a guest speaker to their annual
Invention-Con 2019 conference.
After 23 years as a housekeeper, Young-Loaeza finally quit cleaning houses to devote her full time to her inventive ideas.
Today Young-Loaeza has been granted two patents and a trademark for her innovative bed sheets
Ruth Young-Loaeza
NEET Sheets Inventor
Smart money intro
Traveler remix by Wildlight
Voice: Eva Hernandez
Podcast interview music background Bumbling by Pictures of Floating World
Raise the Bar Smart Money
THU, MARCH 18, 2021